Shipping costs vary depending on what you are buying (dimension, weight), your country's position, and your chosen shipping method (express or regular). You can calculate the shipping cost at checkout.
Shipping fees displayed for some products are based on estimated weights and sizes provided by manufacturers, which in some rare cases, can be incorrect. If this happens, you will be contacted via email in regards to the difference in shipping fees.
Besides, your shipping address is far from Delivery Service's warehouse, which also leads to higher shipping costs. In particular, after receiving your order, we will work with the Delivery Service to re-calculate the exact shipping fee and notify you if there are any additional fees needed. If your shipping address is still within the standard area that the Delivery Service can ship to, no additional fee is needed. If the address is far from the Delivery Warehouse which leads to an upgrade charge for your postage. If the situation happens, we will send you a notification via email and ask you if you would like to pay for the upgrade. In case you have another address, you could share it with us for re-checking. We will work with the Shipping Service again to see whether this new destination needs to pay an additional fee or not. Hence, please keep in touch with us through email to update the latest information and ensure your order process runs smoothly.