We regret to inform you that we now don't offer free shipping because shipping costs vary depending on what you are buying (dimension, weight), your country's position, and your chosen shipping method (express or regular). We apologize for the inconvenience, but we do not provide shipping services.
Therefore, transportation will be outsourced, and our shipping partners will collect the full shipping fee. And we always try our best to maintain competitive prices for the products, we don't have much profit to cover the shipping fee for customers. This fee is fully charged by our Delivery Service Partners.
However, we always have a discount promo code for customers who first order on the website. It's code JPFIGURE1- for your first purchase on Japan Figure, you will get USD 5 off for orders of USD 50 or more. You can enter that code when checking out to reduce the total order value by USD 5.
Don't know how to apply the code, read the guide here.